Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I am at Carribou. I have put twenty dollars on my card and recieved a free drink. But that's not the point.

The fog is starting to lift. I don't have a synopsis just yet. But I'm figuring a thing or two out.

Anthony Powell believes in fashion. The secret key to his masterful 12 volume work, perhaps even his artistic genius as a whole, is clothes.

Widmerpool’s shoes, overcoat, sweater. (4)
Sunny ‘—something about his long legs and narrow trousers suggested horses.’

A Conversation.
Between Lady McReith and Peter:
‘Why aren’t you wearing a clean shirt tonight, Peter?’
‘I thought this one would be clean enough for you.’ (83)

Farebrother tries to sell a device which flips back a collar.

A prank. Jimmy Stripling puts a chamber pot in place of Farebrother’s top hat. (97)

Anthony Powell really believes that clothes makes the man.

As a guy who dabbles in writing, it is nice to know that there is another writer who believes in fashion as much as I do.


At 6:50 AM, Blogger alecia said...

you spelled caribou wrong, fool!
- your wannabe best friend

p.s. this comment makes me sound like a super creep haha


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